Friday, May 29, 2009

Waldo spreads joy to those around him!

I had a classic moment in Waldo the other day. We were stopped at a red light with the windows down, enjoying the day. All of a sudden a little voice says "Excuse me sir". I turn and see a cute little boy, probably 7 or 8 sitting in a big pickup truck in the turn lane next to me. I said "Hi" and with wide-eyed wonderment he asks "How fast does that Coop go"? I said, "oh, pretty fast, probably around 120mph. It's a fun car". His eyes widened and he got a big smile on his face. Before the light changed, he said "Thank you" and we motored on...but I'm certain that the sight of Waldo will live in that boy's heart forever!

So Waldo is spreading the "joy of motoring" everywhere he goes!

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