Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What happend to Waldo?

I parked him here in the evening, and by the next morning he'd GROWN?!?
No, that's just a big BMW cousin of his...a loaner while Waldo was at the Dr's office. And here's a question for you fellow parents: have you ever taken your child to the Dr and they LOST him or her? Well, regretfully, I have! I went to help diagnose his issue and walked out of the office with the service tech, all the while I'm telling the tech what sort of ailment befell Waldo. After a few minutes walking towards the back of the lot, the tech asks, "where's your car?". I looked at him and said "I'm following you...I thought YOU knew?!?"

Long story short, they had given him a bath (which I did NOT authorize...I just can't stand the idea of others molesting my poor Waldo with their harsh shampoos. He has such sensitive skin!) and they had parked him WAYYY in the back near some of his brothers and sisters, and behind a big BMW cousin (and misplaced the key!). I'm no child psychologist, but if you ask me, I think he was ashamed of the way they had violated him with the automatic wash machine, and he was embarrassed, and thought I would be mad at HIM instead of the bad men that subjected him to the torturous machine and its foreign drying cloths!

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